ACYOA Juniors Trophy Presentation
On Sunday, October 21, at the conclusion of Badarak, Der Hovsep officially presented a trophy to the group of the Sport's Weekend participants, who represented our ACYOA Jrs. team winning second place in basketball. Over the Columbus Day weekend, more then 200 teenagers gathered at the St. Peter Church of Watervliet, NY to participate in this annual event. Our church was represented by 17 teens and 4 chaperones.
Over the next few months the ACYOA Jrs. will be holding a number of interesting events. On Sunday, November 4, the St. Mary ACYOA Jrs. (ages 12-17) will put their faith into action and prepare lunches for over 200 homeless in our community. On Saturday, December 8, they will be celebrating the holiday season with their annual Christmas Party.
If you would like more information about St. Mary ACYOA activities, please contact Ms. Becky Baghdasarian or Yn. Jennifer Karapetyan at stmaryyouthdc@gmail.com