Armenian Church
The Parish Council is our governing body, elected by parish members to guide the parish in its spiritual, educational and financial endeavors, in cooperation with the Pastor. Each Parish Council member is expected to serve in the spirit of that responsibility.
The Parish Council is in active communication with the parishioners and organization chairs, and is not an elite hierarchical body. As elected officials, Parish Council members are the collective representative voice of the faithful as a community.

Parish Council members lead by example, by striving to be upholding church members and models to the rest of the congregation. They take personal interest in all activities by furthering education, communication and youth activities, helping those in need, the unfortunate and the sick, while delegating responsibilities. The Parish Council works collaboratively with the Parish Priest, who is responsible for the parish as a whole, acting as president of the The Parish Council.
St. Mary Current Parish Council Members
Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan, President
Shoghig Sahakyan, Chairman
Artur Sivaslian, Vice Chairman
Cathrine Sahakian, Recorder Secretary
John Asadoorian, Corresponding Secretary
Jack Guiragossian, Treasurer
Robert George, Vice Treasurer
Vazrik Nishanian, Member
Sean McClure, Member
Ohannes Sivaslian, Member
Parish Council
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